How to Numbering a Thesis Page (Script Writing) - Greeting math. Math is easy and fun. How are you today? On this occasion I want to take my time to discuss around the issues that often occur on campus. Before that I want to give a little story to my friend.

On the 10th february at 17.00 WIB. Me and my friends hang out at our favorite places. All are preoccupied with his own excitement. A cool one doing thesis. Another cool play gadgetnya. And I am cool to make this blog. Hehehe,,,.

Not a moment later. Come somebody wearing a stick. Sanbil wore his wand he groped his way toward us. With your head held up and your eyes tightly closed while holding your hands up. It turned out to be a blind beggar. Out of pity, one of us took the money and gave it.

The grandfather went to walk out of our hangout. Suddenly ,, Tiiitttti ,, Titiitt ,, Woy ,, screamed his grandfather. He lifted his wand and angered the rider. Instantly we laughed together. Apparently the grandfather was not blind and just pretend.

Well ,, What can I take wisdom from it is yes. No need to be blind to earn money. Striving and working hard and praying is the key to success.

How to Numbering a Thesis Page (Script Writing)

Thesis | How to numbering a thesis page

Are you a student? If yes, it means you will often name a paper or scientific papers, especially thesis as one of the requirements for graduation. Here I give the steps of page numbering:

Open the word file to be given the page number. If you have not been given the page number of the footer and the header will look like the following:

Click Menu Page layout> Page Setup. Then Select Appl to > This point forward

Then the footer and header view has been divided into section 1 and section 2.

Then Select menu Insert> Page Number> Bottom page. To number a page. Will appear number every page from beginning to end. To make the first page no 1 below and the number above so on. Block No. page number 2 only> click Link To Previous until the yellow color disappears.

Means we have separated page 1 and page 2 then we delete no. page number 2 its automatic page so on will be deleted except page no 1.

Then To make no. the next page is 2 onwards above the page. Select menu Insert> Page number> Top Page. Then at the top of the page will be numbered from 1 to onwards. The first page will have two no. page.

How to remove the number 1 on the page as well as earlier. Block no. Number 2 page and click Link To Previous. Then delete the number 1 on the page. Then it will be like this.

Then, Sometimes for the beginning we are able to do it. But in the next chapter you often have constraints. For example we go to CHAPTER II. Phase just the same as my friend played in his section - section. Suppose we go to CHAPTER II. We select the menu Insert> Page Layout> select aply to the point forward.

Then will form a new section that is section 3. Do again on the page after CHAPTER II so as to form section 4.

Give the page number in the footer section 3. Select the Insert menu> Page Number> Bottom Page. So on the page will be listed no. advanced pages. On the page before CHAPTER II will be written back no pages that we have removed earlier. Well ,, kila Block no page number 5 click Link To Previous. Then delete the previous page. Automatically the page before CHAPTER II will disappear.

Next. Do the same thing as before to make page 5 below and page 6 so on top of the page. Select menu Insert> Page Number> Top Page. Block page click link to previous. Then delete the number.

So how to create a thesis page number or scientific papers. If you have difficulty in doing the process. Watch Tutorial how to create page no Thesis below:

Greeting math. Math is easy and fun.

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