Mount sinabung | Seconds of eruption of Mount Sinabung - Math is simple and fun.

Seconds of eruption of Mount Sinabung

Mount Sinabung located in the district of Naman Teran, Kabupaten Karo, North Sumatra

This morning, Monday, 19/02/2018. Mount Sinabung in karo district again showed its activities. Mount Sinabung released a cloud of hot clouds around 08:53 this morning.

Mount Sinabung located in the district of Naman Teran, Kabupaten Karo, North Sumatra. The height of the mountain is 2451 meters above sea level.

The location of mount Sinabung close to the mountain sibayak.

Surapat mountain observers from volcanology and geological disaster mitigation. Sinabung eruption this time has a volume larger than before. Mount Sinabung released a hot cloud reaches a height of about 3 kilometers.

Bursts that occur blanket every village around Sinabung mountain. The village was blanketed in pitch black. The region with a distance of 7 kilometers in south - southeast sector.In the distance of 6 kilometers for the southeast - east sector Serta 4 kilometers for the north - east sector of mountain sinabung.

Mount Sinabung enters hot clouds and spreads as far as 4.9 kilometers to the south and 3.5 kilometers to the east. Mount Sinabung also issued a hot lava at the top of Mount Sinabung. It is estimated that Mount Sinabung erupted for 6 times with a fairly close period.

Although the eruption of Mount Sinabung is quite large, PVMBG said there were no reports of casualties.

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