- math regards. How are you buddy? This beautiful day I will take my time to discuss the National Standards in education Indonesia. joking with it now Indonesia's education is developing its development to create the children of the nation's best generation. What is the purpose of education can be achieved according to Law no. 20 Year 2003.
UU no. 20 Year 2003 contains:
A. The 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia mandates the Government of the State of Indonesia to protect the entire nation of Indonesia and the whole of Indonesia's blood spill and to promote the common prosperity, to educate the life of the nation, and to participate in a world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice;
b. Of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia mandates the Government that seeks and implements a national educational system that enhances faith and piety to God Almighty and noble character in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation regulated by law;
c. the national education system should be able to ensure equal distribution of educational opportunities, quality improvement and management relevance and efficiency to face challenges in line with changes in local, national and global life in order to make educational reforms planned, directed and sustainable;
The Government of Indonesia has made several amendments or changes to the curriculum from the past until now. In order to achieve the objectives of the education, Indonesia has applied approximately 11 times of curriculum change in 1947 (1947 curriculum), 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994 and supplementary curriculum 1999, 2004, in 2006 (KTSP) and 2013. Currently, the curriculum of 2013 as a substitute for Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), issued by the government through the Ministerial Regulation No. 22 on content standards,
Indonesian National Education Standards
Education of Indonesia in accordance with Law no. 20 of 2003 and the 1945 Constitution. This Government Regulation provides guidance on the need to prepare and implement the eight national education standards, namely: (1) Content Standards, (2) Process Standards, (3) Graduate Competency Standards, (4) Standards of Educators and Labor Education, (5) Standards of Facilities and Prasarna, (6) Management Standards, (7) Financing Standards, and (8) Educational Assessment Standards.
Content Standards
Content standards cover a minimum material scope and a minimum level of competence to achieve minimum graduate competence at a certain level and type of education. According to KEPMENDIKNAS No. 22 of 2006 about the contents of the standard contains the curriculum, the burden ofthe level of unity of education.
Standard Process
In PERMENDIKNAS No.41 of 2007 on process standards for primary and secondary education units. Must include process planning, implementation of the learning process, assessment of learning, for effective and efficient learning.
Graduate competence standard
The graduate competency standard is used as the guidance of assessment in determining the students' graduation from the education unit. REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL EDUCATION REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Number 23 Year 2006 sets the competency standards of graduates for elementary and secondary education units
Education Standards and Education Personnel
REGULATION OF THE MINISTER Number 12 Year 2007 regarding School Supervision Standards. Educators must have academic and competence qualifications as learning agents, physically and mentally healthy, and have the ability to realize the goals of national education. Competencies that must be possessed include:
- Pedagogic Competencies
- Personality Competence
- Professional Competence
- Social Competence
Standard of Facilities and Infrastructure
In REGULATION OF THE MINISTER Number 24 Year 2007 concerning the standard of facilities and infrastructure for SD / MI, SMP / MTs, and SMA / MA. Facilities include furniture, educational equipment, educational media, books and other learning resources to support a regular and ongoing learning process. Prasanana includes classrooms, leadership rooms of administrative classrooms, library rooms, laboratories, canteen rooms, sports venues, places of worship, or places needed to support a regular and ongoing learning process.
Management Standards
In REGULATION OF THE MINISTER Number 19 Year 2007 regarding education management standard by elementary and secondary education unit. The management standard consists of three parts: the management standard by the education unit, the management standard by the local government and the management standard by the government.
Financing Standards
The standard fee set forth in REGULATION OF THE MINISTER Number 69 Year 2009 concerning standard of nonpersonal operating expenses for primary, junior and senior high school
Assessment Standards
In REGULATION OF THE MINISTER Number 20 Year 2007 concerning the assessment of education. Assessment of education at elementary and secondary education level consists of:
- Assessment of learning outcomes by learners
- Assessment of learning hasill by educational unit
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