HowTo Solve a Question of TPA? - Welcome to channel. Math is simple and fun. today, I will discuss about the Test of Potential Academic (TPA). what is the academic potential test (tpa)? anyone not know yet? I will explain that, what is the  Test of Potential Academic (TPA)? Types of questions from the Test of Potential Academic (TPA). questions and discussion of TPA and tricks to answer questions from test of potential Academic. 

Test of Potential academic

Tips On Resolving TPA (Test of Potential Academic)

WHAT IS TPA (Test of Potential Academic)?. It is a test to measure one's talents or ability in the academic field or as a comparison in choosing an individual objectively. This test is often used in admission of new students.

Tips to answer the question of TPA (Test of Potential Academic)y?

First, Pray. Start everything by praying.

Second, Often read KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), dictionary of Tesaurus, Magazine or newspaper, also other scientific books. Because this test is related to words and discuss then you need to find the sources of reading as a reference to your vocabulary. It does not have to be a scientific book.

Third, Frequently answer questions about TPA verbal ability over and over again. More and more

my friend working on the problem, the more likely my friend can answer the next problem.

Fourth, do not hurry. Try to do the problem casually without any burden. With a rush the mind will be easy to forget and wrong in making decisions. Before doing the problem there are times when you relax yourself by doing brain gymnastics. But still take into account the time limit given.

Fifth, do not focus on one problem. When it is difficult to leave it for a moment and go on next. if there is time left to return to the problem.

TYPES OF TPA (Test Of Potential Academic)

The types of TPA (Test of Potential Academic) are :

a. Verbal ability. It serves to measure a person's ability in the field of words and language. In this test there are three types of questions to be given are SINONIM, ANTONIM and Relationship / Comparison.

 b. Logical ability. It serves to measure a person's ability in logical reasoning and problem solving. In this test the ability to think in general logic, analyzing statements and conclusions (Silogism), logic test of story and test logic diagram.

c. Numerical Capabilities. It serves to measure a person's ability in the field of numbers, in order to think structured and logical mathematically. In this test includes arithmetic tests (Number Patterns), series tests of numbers and letters.
d. Spatial (visual) ability. It serves to measure the power of space logic that someone has associated with the image. In this test includes an equivalent relationship test images, series test images, image grouping tests and image identification.

C. Test of Logic Ability

D. Numerical Capability Test

E. Spatial Ability Test

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